Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring Fever

It seems like everyone has a touch of spring fever this month... And spring is still officially two days away! Every week this month has had gorgeous days... Days that make you want to go jogging outside instead of on that old treadmill you've been using. Days that give your mind that crafty feel and make your fingers itch to make something new...(so many ideas!)  Days where you throw some steaks on the grill and make everyone's mouth water in the neighborhood as the smell drifts their way. Days where you want to do nothing but be outside. Spring is giving us a sneak peak of how gorgeous she is going to be and everyone is finding ways to enjoy it!! 

You know the days that I'm talking about...
Birds chirping for the first time in months..
Fluffy cotton candy clouds floating in a perfect blue sky
Patches of green grass everywhere you look
Popcorn trees popping all around

Spring invigorates and reenergizes us after a long cold snowy winter. Throw open those window and let that warm air inside. Let it get those creative ideas flowing! Get your plants ready for this years garden! I know I am working on my first spring project and can't wait finish it! Try something different! Try something new! 

Spring makes us happy! Nice to everyone! We are more generous in our actions, thoughts and time. I have noticed this a lot on the days when spring is here  for a few days! Let's keep these thoughts and actions going! How are you going to enjoy spring?